YEAR-END REPORT Q4 2023/2024


Net sales by business area 2023/2024 2022/2023
Quarterly data, SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 957 868 862 897 962 877 810 761
Electrification 1,040 1,007 1,029 1,024 1,149 1,001 958 929
Energy 1,276 1,306 1,297 1,428 1,355 1,267 1,256 1,251
Industrial Solutions 930 906 835 923 937 802 709 788
Process Technology 899 878 863 824 875 713 690 654
Group items -11 -5 -7 -7 -11 -7 -5 -7
Addtech Group 5,091 4,960 4,879 5,089 5,267 4,653 4,418 4,376
EBITA by business area 2023/2024 2022/2023
Quarterly data, SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 132 104 114 109 126 105 105 91
Electrification 135 112 137 130 143 118 126 114
Energy 142 171 172 198 176 169 159 156
Industrial Solutions 215 188 194 157 190 148 115 132
Process Technology 143 119 124 112 125 94 91 87
Group items -4 -20 -14 -10 -2 -4 -14 -10
EBITA 763 674 727 696 758 630 582 570
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -114 -110 -109 -101 -98 -94 -93 -88
– of which acquisitions -107 -104 -101 -96 -91 -88 -87 -84
Operating profit 649 564 618 595 660 536 489 482
Net sales 3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2023 31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2023
Automation 957 962 3,584 3,410
Electrification 1,040 1,149 4,100 4,037
Energy 1,276 1,355 5,307 5,129
Industrial Solutions 930 937 3,594 3,236
Process Technology 899 875 3,464 2,932
Group items -11 -11 -30 -30
Addtech Group 5,091 5,267 20,019 18,714
EBITA and EBITA-margin 3 months Rolling 12 months
31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2023 31 Mar 2024 31 Mar 2023
SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm %
Automation 132 13.9 126 13.1 459 12.8 427 12.5
Electrification 135 13.0 143 12.5 514 12.5 501 12.4
Energy 142 11.1 176 12.9 683 12.9 660 12.9
Industrial Solutions 215 23.1 190 20.2 754 21.0 585 18.1
Process Technology 143 15.9 125 14.4 498 14.4 397 13.5
Group items -4 -2 -48 -30
EBITA 763 15.0 758 14.4 2,860 14.3 2,540 13.6
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -114 -98 -434 -373
– of which acquisitions -107 -91 -408 -350
Operating profit 649 12.7 660 12.5 2,426 12.1 2,167 11.6


Net sales by the customer's
geographical location
3 months
31 Mar 2024
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 255 290 305 308 173 - 1,331
Denmark 173 82 196 8 144 0 603
Finland 161 107 92 170 101 0 631
Norway 69 92 236 83 134 - 614
Other Europe 260 415 354 215 254 - 1,498
Other countries 37 50 92 146 89 - 414
Group items 2 4 1 0 4 -11 -
Total 957 1,040 1,276 930 899 -11 5,091
Net sales by the customer's
geographical location
12 months
31 Mar 2024
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 955 1,145 1,266 1,190 668 - 5,224
Denmark 650 322 816 32 555 0 2,375
Finland 603 423 385 657 389 0 2,457
Norway 258 362 982 319 518 - 2,439
Other Europe 975 1,642 1,474 830 979 - 5,900
Other countries 138 199 382 562 343 - 1,624
Group items 5 7 2 4 12 -30 -
Total 3,584 4,100 5,307 3,594 3,464 -30 20,019
Net sales by the customer's
geographical location
3 months
31 Mar 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 232 317 334 315 192 - 1,390
Denmark 185 107 247 7 142 0 688
Finland 167 118 106 190 115 - 696
Norway 58 102 274 44 131 - 609
Other Europe 274 445 317 216 215 - 1,467
Other countries 45 57 76 164 75 0 417
Group items 1 3 1 1 5 -11 -
Total 962 1,149 1,355 937 875 -11 5,267
Net sales by the customer's
geographical location
12 months
31 Mar 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 822 1,113 1,264 1,090 645 - 4,934
Denmark 654 376 934 24 475 1 2,464
Finland 591 416 401 656 385 0 2,449
Norway 206 358 1,038 152 441 - 2,195
Other Europe 971 1,564 1,201 746 721 - 5,203
Other countries 161 202 288 566 252 0 1,469
Group items 5 8 3 2 13 -31 -
Total 3,410 4,037 5,129 3,236 2,932 -30 18,714
Net sales per customer's segment 3 months
31 Mar 2024
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 42 67 255 25 15 - 404
Data & Telecommunications 33 43 99 1 1 - 177
Electronics 61 262 44 3 3 0 373
Energy 48 151 582 10 163 - 954
Vehicles 64 147 14 328 45 - 598
Medical technology 148 113 8 4 57 - 330
Mechanical industry 262 109 74 94 111 - 650
Forestry & Process 122 13 28 309 312 - 784
Transport 32 21 97 61 139 - 350
Other 143 110 74 95 49 0 471
Group items 2 4 1 0 4 -11 -
Total 957 1,040 1,276 930 899 -11 5,091
Net sales per customer's segment 12 months
31 Mar 2024
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 156 263 1,062 95 58 - 1,634
Data & Telecommunications 122 170 412 2 5 - 711
Electronics 230 1,035 183 13 13 0 1,474
Energy 179 595 2,421 40 630 - 3,865
Vehicles 239 583 60 1,266 174 - 2,322
Medical technology 556 447 34 17 220 - 1,274
Mechanical industry 983 429 306 363 427 - 2,508
Forestry & Process 455 52 118 1,195 1,201 - 3,021
Transport 121 83 402 234 535 - 1,375
Other 538 436 307 365 189 0 1,835
Group items 5 7 2 4 12 -30 -
Total 3,584 4,100 5,307 3,594 3,464 -30 20,019
Net sales per customer's segment 3 months
31 Mar 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 41 92 279 26 17 - 455
Data & Telecommunications 31 60 104 0 1 - 196
Electronics 67 280 57 3 6 0 413
Energy 63 158 621 8 124 - 974
Vehicles 59 153 15 351 56 - 634
Medical technology 163 145 9 4 58 - 379
Mechanical industry 264 113 82 87 130 - 676
Forestry & Process 112 17 32 294 314 - 769
Transport 46 14 101 68 128 - 357
Other 115 114 54 95 36 0 414
Group items 1 3 1 1 5 -11 -
Total 962 1,149 1,355 937 875 -11 5,267
Net sales per customer's segment 12 months
31 Mar 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 144 325 1,055 88 59 - 1,671
Data & Telecommunications 109 211 394 2 3 - 719
Electronics 238 987 217 10 21 1 1,474
Energy 224 555 2,350 27 416 - 3,572
Vehicles 208 537 57 1,212 188 - 2,202
Medical technology 576 508 35 15 194 - 1,328
Mechanical industry 936 397 311 300 436 - 2,380
Forestry & Process 398 60 124 1,017 1,052 - 2,651
Transport 163 48 380 236 428 - 1,255
Other 409 401 203 327 122 0 1,462
Group items 5 8 3 2 13 -31 -
Total 3,410 4,037 5,129 3,236 2,932 -30 18,714

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